Wednesday, February 5, 2014

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Get a Fashion Makeover on a Budget at Dongdaemun, Korea

Dongdaemun Fashion District is a mega shopping center that are comprised of more than 20 shopping malls, department stores, wholesale shops, individual designer studios and street vendors, featuring all types of  latest and trendy fashion items.

The place goes way back to 1905 when it has established itself as the wholesale clothing market. Here, you can pretty much find any clothing you want whether it's a celebrity fashion or a dress that was showcased in a fashion show a few days earlier.

In recent years, number retail shops grew due to popular demands and growing number of tourists visiting the area.

The shopping district is actually divided into two distinct sections.  Even though both sections host both retail and whole sale stores, section 1 on the Doosan tower side is geared towards retail customers and vise versa for section 2.

In short, section 2 is where you will find great deals for the latest and unique fashion items.  Many shops here also sell clothing under their own brands; some are favored by Korean celebrities.  Interestingly, the shops in this part of the district opens up around 8PM until next morning, which is great for those night owls who can enjoy shopping at any time of the night.

Oh, by the way, you can also have your custom clothing made here on a budget by some of the world's best skilled hands.  Some of the designers running their own small shop ends up making a big name for their line of clothing.  If you are visiting Seoul, stop by Dongdaemu for one-of-a-kind shopping experience.  It is easily accessible by the metro train.


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